老爸, 2月在我们的人生中是一个喜悲参半的一个月。
爸爸,谢谢你从小就那么疼爱我,宠我。我最想念的,是很多日常的小事。星期天,一起去吃早餐,我的第一次吃 zhwee kwei, 我们星期天的米饭炸鸡翅,都是我好珍惜的回忆。爸爸的聪明,幽默,合群,是我们家无所取代的。新年初二你也在吧。我们都想你想到。。。 希望你过得不错哦。
I figured that life can be happier and simpler, if you only allow it to be. So go on out there and be free! Be yourself to the fullest, because you can be nobody else. Share love, spread joy, and bring meaning to the lives of others. Retrospectively, the things that you once held dear may cease to mean anything; objects lose their relevance to time. But people, and your relationships with them, don't. The joy that a friend brings to you today is timeless. Treasure it. =)