Daddy, just as I was telling you that the frequency of those tides of sadness was getting lesser, I was struck by a tsunami yesterday. haha. I was on 190 travelling home, but that was a route that we have taken tgt multiple times before. Went under the ecolink at bke as well. I just couldn't reign in the sadness. So glad to have an empty home to return to yesterday.
I'm worried about mum and gorgor. Bless them with some courage to face life ok? You left so suddenly, I think they are both overwhelmed by how unpredictable life can be. Both of them keep saying they have this unexplained anxiety. Watch over them ok?
I'm worried about mum and gorgor. Bless them with some courage to face life ok? You left so suddenly, I think they are both overwhelmed by how unpredictable life can be. Both of them keep saying they have this unexplained anxiety. Watch over them ok?