When will be a good time to put past baggage down completely, keep marching forward and really look back with a smile? I blame you for a good lot of things, and i cant absolve you from the blame. Not yet. Somehow, i think this is a lot more anger than i am expected to have. Well, when? Why do i feel this way? Perhaps it's the couple of times you have came back holding an olive branch, only to recall that hey! You still disagree with me. You are still angry. And you still want to screw me up for it. And then the olive branch is quickly withdrawn and replaced with a sword. I get too tired from these attacks.
So you want to be friends? So you've moved on. Have you really? Are you sure? I don't want to waste everyone's time going around in circles. You taught me, with your repeated droning reattacks, that i'm not ready to put down the past and see past differences. And unless i'm absolutely ready, i shall not run through the mill pursuing my ideal self. So fine, we should get over it, ideally. But let's not fake it. If i do extend that olive branch, i will be pretty damn sure that i'm over over over it. I will not be angry anymore. Period. And nothing will ever change that.
-Not now though, not now.
So you want to be friends? So you've moved on. Have you really? Are you sure? I don't want to waste everyone's time going around in circles. You taught me, with your repeated droning reattacks, that i'm not ready to put down the past and see past differences. And unless i'm absolutely ready, i shall not run through the mill pursuing my ideal self. So fine, we should get over it, ideally. But let's not fake it. If i do extend that olive branch, i will be pretty damn sure that i'm over over over it. I will not be angry anymore. Period. And nothing will ever change that.
-Not now though, not now.