Speak to be understood.
This is my random thought of the day. I've been doing a little bit of reading and writing for a project that i am due to submit tomorrow. (something that i ought to be working on right now, instead of blogging haha. But this is a quickie i swear.) I realise that many people have the tendency to write in long, complicated sentences which are strings of clause after clause after clause. Long, convoluted sentences that wraps itself around your brain and clench real hard, before you can make any head or tail out of it. And after you are done with that, you're on to yet another one. I got reminded of this a couple of days ago, when i read an interview by Mr Lee about his wife's influence on him. She says that we should write in clear concise sentences. I agree. But i think that long-winded sentences are simply a reflection of our incessantly firing neurons, that we are sometimes too lazy to curb and correct. The next time you write, ask yourself: "what am i writing for?". Whatever your cause, I am sure you will need somebody to understand you before you can get there. So yes, understand that you need to be understood, and make yourself understandable. Write simple sentences; choose your words wisely; don't be too generous with your words. I will appreciate it in future if i have to decipher your work to do mine. =)
(yes you are right. i am just skiving and complaining about having to read looong paragraphs of writings.- complaining in a more elaborate fashion. HAHA. BACK TO WORK!)