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post a's.


(WARNING: this is completely random shit =DD reader discretion -if there's any at all lol- is advised =D SERIOUS)

its friggin OVERRR!!! im a free birdy!! tweet tweet!!!! (haha, jo don't say i nv mention u!! tuu wit tuu wit, you tuu wit ur way!! =DD)

ANYWAY! post a levels are... as good as i think they can get =D an entire day of slow paced, nothingness. ahhhh~ tantalising. my idea of a proper life- no life! =DDD haw haw haw.

2 years in JC wasn't exactly a bed of roses. academic demands were crappy, and when coupled with cca demands, school demands, people, etc, it almost threatened to suffocate- but yea, at the end of it all, i wouldn't disagree that it had been a most interesting and unique experience. JC life for me was especially fulfilling. the a levels period saw me working my ass off (not literally- though i wish =D quite the opposite hapened HAHA)- which was something quite new, considering that slacker had once been my middle name. (n considering that mrs chiu had threatened to call my parents for nt doing work lol. that woman, damn cute!! =D)

other than the pushing myself to work for grades, JC also saw me working with people whom i found to be entirely different from me. trying out different approaches to handle people, solve conflicts, etc, again, quite refreshing. lol, but of course, when personalities clashed, conflicts are almost inevitable- most ashamed of those times =S.

but i'm blessed- luckier than most i think- to have a fantastic class. odd balls la we all, =D, but fantastic. we have jason, the life of the class (NEXT to me of course haw haw haw). always armed with a bag of laughs, n funny noises (tweet tweet!! LOL mr lim!!), n full of the bullying factor. SAM-text size got meaning one horr!! BOIIING!, lyn (HITAM! poor thing, always kenah bullied lol at night cannot see u!!), silei (tezt size meaning =D)( her TALL ness lol WAAAAVE!!!) , sarah my dear! i see love in the air!!! =D (edwinium sarate! love this lol) were favorite targets. then we have *intro: JOY TO THE WORLD!!* keh kiong- who, lyk jason, was always armed with a bag of noises, though not very funny waahaha (jkjk!) then we have edwin the PRO PAP! (lol damn funny, ask him "what u wana do after a levels?" he said: "i'm gonna be your prime minister LOLOL) n eileen the chic babe! lol, still water runs deep man, piano pro sia this one!! very fun to have convos with you! =D VERY REFRESHING! joshua the zai one, =D lol, always invade his house to mug lol.. remember that day aft some ppr? =D when ed, kk, me, eileen, josh went to mac n just chat our lungs out. DAMN FUN! =D wahaha nxt we have Xiu-li! lethal combi with silei lol.. always on the lookoout for nice faces! waha, n pinching silei's blubber =D we also have sturdy mrs superman (ya ryt! =D) aziemah, it pro!! the video for mrs lim was lovely! n thanx SO MUCH for the pizzas!! so sweet!! puts ur welfare head ( whoever she is *innocent*** ) to shame =D n our very beloved but also very shor- (er, nvm =)) CM michelle!! wakaka, thanks for everything u did for the cls!!! that's a very BIG evrything k!! =D cus u did a lot. n also, MAFIA henry (RAWR! CHEAT AT SOCCER!!) cool cool one and zihao (KOK!) , lol, always kenah shot by mrs leong.. =D we also have cool cool weikit, whose english is lyk MIND BLOWING. wanyu the prof liar lol, yiying! my dear maths neighbour! wanyu n yiying lol, tennis pro ah?? xiao yu! CHUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! =DDD enough said lol, the earnest student (quoting mrs leong =D) =D PAMMY!!!!! =D (who so totally cannot play hide n seek, cus CERTAIN THINGS (note the SIZE ah =D) just cant b hidden =D) next, moo mooo daniel, (we still havent compete to eat up the school field grass lol) the one who LOVES his "hamster" right? (what's her name ah??wahahaha)*wriggle eyebrows* =DDDD (COUGH!)
also, we have agnes the dutiful citizen, =D quoting mrs leong. bingshao, the PIANIST! (nono, not like the movie) AND weilin my darling bitch! so glad u're happy now!=D bless u! AZUL =D always a bag a fun! lol, when u imitate mdm lin!! u MUST be her in disguise right!! and asyikin! =D fellow fan of fmma n bleach!! =D SYAZZY WAZZY! funky hair!! =D n funky guitar playing rugger! KENNETH!!! haa, SHE ADDICT!! =D lucky pork went to she concert!! i oso wan!! thanx for the times when u helped us book bbq pits n wat nots.. =D n yes yes, u always reply msgs one!! unlike me!! =D waka, one of the very FEW hu reply me evtym i msg the class... =DDD

these dudes made jc life so much more...

there's still more that i wana say lol, but till next tym i feel like writing bah lol..


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