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今晚的眼泪,掺杂着对爸爸的思念,和对妈妈的心疼与不舍。面对着要离开家的两个孩子们,剩下空空的巢,想到妈妈的处境就忍不住鼻酸。妈妈这辈子的路,艰辛啊。终于成熟的我,满满开始体会妈妈的路。 老爸啊,妹妹真的好想你。我很放不下妈妈。我想啊,可能你走的时候也同样牵挂吧。有空回来看看她ok? 妈妈很想你。保佑妈妈能勇敢地找出新的人生目标,让生活依旧充实。你也一样哦。我还在想象,老爸如果你还在的话,你会对这一切有什么想法和感触。爸爸离开家的时候,是不是也和我一样不舍? 今晚的我,也特别感激有一个疼我的老公。看着视频里,突然之间,没有预兆地大哭起来的老婆- 超难搞的。我知道老公很少会允许自己的悲伤这么放纵出来。所以要你能体会,不审判,不指责,就只是专心聆听和陪伴,其实不容易。可是老公就是那么疼我。我到底做了什么,值得老公那么爱我。万分歉意,可是我就是停不来。最后也只能在心里不断地(边哭,边)说谢谢,希望这人生路上我也能一直这样扶持你度过。 夜深了,该睡了。心里挂念的人们,晚安了。
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老爸 ♡

老爸,注册婚礼的日子将近了。 多一个星期,女儿就要注册结婚了。你知道吗?  我想这身最大的遗憾,是没能让你看到我结婚。对不起,小时候扭曲的感情路让你担心了不少。 今晚,特别睡不着。也许是7月的最后一天,我却觉得这个月没好好地花时间和爸爸的回忆一起共处吧。骤然回忆起爸爸那一则whatsapp voice message, 跟着妹妹说 "妹妹,爸爸回来了。早一点回来 hor" 我这个女儿,怎么就那么没花时间陪你啊。。 4年了,好快啊。 今晚的我,站在你熟悉的角落,怀念你。回想小时候的记忆,突然有一些伤感我就要离开这个有着很多我跟爸爸的回忆的家。我回想着小时候kaypoh  地站在你身边眺望窗外,不知道你在看什么。在你身边陪你看报纸。回想着就你和我那一次去钓鱼,深夜坐在 kelong  尾端吹风,看星星。遗憾地看着原来矗立着你的树的那块地。老爸,我真的很像你。看着小树病到一个程度,看不下去就得马上去纠正和治愈。也不管那么多。我在想,小时候的我帮你扶着楼梯。当你认识的人经过时,应该会让你 paiseh 的时候,小小的我是否有给于你一点勇气呢? 老爸啊,妹妹很想你。我好希望我现在和以后都能做个让你欣慰的女儿哦。妹妹会帮你照顾妈妈的。在我们的心里,老爸你还切切实实地活着。我想,你应该会是一个很可爱的阿公哦 ❤ 爸爸,有空回来看看哦。 ♡

The most beautiful thing..

The most beautiful thing about you dear dear... is how you don't even see how truly kind and wonderful you are. I am so lucky to be yours. It's 2 days away from our key collection day dear dear, and I cannot wait to spend my life with you. ♡♡ I love you so so much!  These days I find myself harbouring a prayer. I pray, that love surrounds the people I love; may they never be alone in their times of hardship; may they always be able to find the strength within to overcome life's adversities.  ♡  

11 06 21

We are home lo dear dear!!!!! ❤ 我等你等了好久哦! Today is the day my dear dear got down on one knee, it's the day we look deeply into each other's eyes and I 认定这辈子我非你莫属了.  I love how this photo pretty much sums up the beauty and unique things in our relationship.  The very place we spent so many evenings having dinner and supper, our obsession with little woody, my dear dear's inventiveness with the fairy lights, our impromptu nature and ability to make the most of any situation, and the blend of active and cultural that is underlying our individual characters.  Beyond the initial shock (dear dear never warn me!!! I was not well dressed!!! XD), when we had some time to ourselves in private, I contemplated in silence and was extremely contented that I could be here right next to you. I am grateful for all the quiet moments of understanding, and I know we will have the courage, tenacity and love, to weather through anything that life throws at us; because no matter wha...


Journey journey journey!  March 2021 flew by in a flash. My life turned again, swifter than ever, but smoother and the happier than I ever expected.  Amidst all the listing, planning, budgeting, evaluation and decision making, I love how we start to come tgt as a team to solve and talk through issues together. :) dear dear,  I'm thankful that we are going through this journey together. I'm thankful for you.  What have I learnt about us as a couple:  - we have very similar priorities  - we are both highly practical, but able to retain our sense of fun  - we are highly motivated and task orientated (we can realy keep going!!)  - our problem solving method is to break down an issue into micro parts and talk through it - we need to take more conscious breaks to exercise self care and keep building up the relationship  - we are pretty much perfect tgt, and need to learn to exercise some humility XD =P . KIDDING - we really lucked out in this home ...


这首歌听了好多次,每次听了还是会联想到爸爸,段段落泪。多希望妹妹嫁人那一天,可以唱这首歌给你听哦。可惜,就只能在幻想和愿望的国际唱给爸爸咯。 别人的 你講人生沒願望 哪有趣味 半好半歹 攏是滋味 [..] 你講人生愛歡喜 才有趣味  [..] 是好是歹 攏是自己 今仔日 你牽阮的手 你疼阮的心 我攏知影 阮不是別人的 免煩惱傷心話 我永遠是你的 是你的寶貝 明仔載 換我牽你的手 我疼你的心 乎你知影 阮不是別人的 免感覺會歹勢 我永遠是你的 是你的心肝寶貝

Life clarifies

Still peeved at myself for taking all of 3 decades to figure out my own life!!!  I feel like Hong Dae Yong, ' you have wasted your life' =.=.  Fine. Keep going, figure out how to lead a happy fulfilling life that let's me continue giving back to my family.