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Showing posts from 2012


Just a short note to end off my 2012. My life has always been very sheltered. I may not come from a family with bucketfuls of gold and silver, but i have never had a day to starve, or worry about debts that are piling up which my family cannot pay or will one day transfer to me. I have been fortunate enough to have a mum who is extremely good with her money, and excellent at managing the household. I'm sure that the family would be very different without her, and for her, I am extremely thankful. Perhaps as such, in life, I have always gone for the safer options. Consistently opted for schools that has been less than what my potential could have allowed for. The ultimate choice that impacted my current and possibly future state of life is probably the choice of pharmacy school over medicine. Safe choices. 2012  has seen a change in mindset and method, and hopefully there will be more in the times to come. So for the year 2013, i challenge myself to challenge myself more. (Cliche ...
It all works out very fine for me you know, if they arent so strict and meticulous, i don't need to go to such pains to be painstaking accurate at every letter of the application. but really, given this standard, no wonder we need to exercise discretion when screening through literature.


i woke up at 4am this morning without an alarm, thinking about all the work undone. realising it's the 12th, and that i'm meeting AC on the 19th to run through my presentation, which i haven't editted. thinking about needing to submit 12 more prescriptions by tomorrow, and i haven't done any. thinking about topics discussions that have't been fulfilled. thinking. thinking. thinking. but unable to drag myself outta bed; my body resisting to put itself through the tsunami of shit. grr. i shall shut both my eyes and trudge through it. Need to remind myself really, that work never stops. ever. Need to remind myself of who i am truly- that i exist without the work. i simply have to start living and breathing again. A random thought, you know how some sites like to ask you to key in some verification code before posting? I like the way blogger does it. "Please prove that you're not a robot." haha, but unfortunately, i think i am becoming one. ok. e...

Daddy's girl

Feeling immensely loved and blessed, as always. =) i'm a pretty lucky person i must say. nothing speaks love more than when my dad asks if i want food, and despite my resistance, goes downstairs and buys up 2 loafs of bread of different flavours (because he doesn't know what i like- but they are both my favourite flavours though. =)) and when he makes coffee for me, and brings in an extra cup of hot water, because he doesn't know how sweet i like my coffee. all for a daughter who gets too obssessed to leave her room when working. thanks for the thoughtfulness daddy. =) and this made me think back to a night a few days back, as my mum sobbed and unleashed her frustrations on me, for lack of a better avenue. Despite the mildly unjustified scoldings, I'm glad that she did let it all out. And glad, in a way, that my late coming gave her a good trigger to break down her defences. One thing she said that night struck me hard, (about my granddad) "he's not your fa...

Trek Here we go again crazy brain bugs! Day trip candidate #1- Chiling falls (isn't she bautiful? =)). candidate #2- taman negara national park. Time to plot when i'm gonna need a nature break.  sk

current ear worm! =)

ultra catchy! on another note, so many thing's changing that it's getting a little hard to catch my breath. Not that it's all bad, it's just... non-comfort zone. But but but, i hold faith firm that it's for the best. sk

the thought catalog

The People You Will Fall In Love With In Your 20s JUN. 8, 2012   By  RYAN O'CONNELL You will fall in love with someone who annoys you, whose orgasm face looks and feels pathetic. Despite all of this, there’s something keeping you drawn to them, something that makes you want to protect them from the harsh world. What you fail to realize, however, is that you are the harsh world. You aren’t their noble protector — you are someone to be protected from but it takes a lot of dates, a lot of nights where you question whether or not you are actually a good person, for this to ever resonate with you. When it’s over and whatever love is left is put back in the fridge like a sad plate of leftovers, you will finally understand that you have the power to hurt someone. You can either hurt them or love them and it’s up to you to decide what kind of role you would like to take on in future relationships. What feels more comfortable — being the one who loves more or be...


Whee! I'm finally back from my 2 graduation trips! Though technically speaking, the 2nd wasn't entirely a grad trip since our boys are so far from graduation. Anyways, i think i learnt a lot from both trips, particularly in communication/ relationship management. For the first, i'll come right out and say that it was probably a good example of everything not to do. And for the 2nd; a fine tuning of communication among solid friends. Perhaps it was the company, but i found that taiwan was an absolute ball of fun! =) I set out on the trip to make a diary entry for each day of the trip. That plan completely failed cus i was too busy enjoying every moment of the 10 days to sit down and properly record my thoughts. Oops, haha.. Despite the bad start and poor weather throwing off ALL our plans for the first 3 days of the week, i think we managed to go around it and still have fun with bang, kang xi, ktv, monopoly deal and a huge dollop of thrash talking! =) Thank god for good fri...

I hope you dance

I first heard this song in my first literature class during JC. The task for us was to bring something "poetic" to class and talk about it, saying why you think it's poetic. I brought a dried rose, and called it time. I think i said the rose was an encapsulation of time, artificially frozen in the rose. While time continues to tick by in the surrounding, the rose alone, stays the same. And we wonder, is that really beauty? Is that really what we want, everytime we wish to "freeze the moment"? (ok fine, perhaps i spruced it up a little here hehhe, well i couldn't remember what 17years old me said!) Anyway, thinking back, i think that answer was very typical, very typcially me too; model answer for "poetic item", not going beyond the boundaries drawn. Doing ok,  not excellent. This here is different. I will bet with you, apart from myself, nobody else remembers what i, or anyone else, brought to that class. Except for this song, brought by jo ...

Jason Mraz - 93 Million Miles (Official Lyric Video)

Love this song off the new album by Jason Mraz! =) Through his 10 years in the music industry, i believe his listeners bear witness to his growth as a person. This album seems to carry a maturity that hasn't quite been seen before. I wonder, how will I mark my own growth 10 years from now? Stay rooted! sk "Sometimes it might seem dark, but the absence of light is a necessary part."

Exploding head syndrome

After so long of thinking that my brain is in the process of mis-wiring itself, so you're the culprit! omg. What a relief. =) Haha, and WHAT a name. XD (That is an actual clinical terminology, can you believe it?! pubmed it!)


I was intrigued by all the claims and numbers flying around surrounding the HDB issue so i decided to do some quick calculations on my own last night. The results i found were rather interesting. It all started from something that one mp said about this situation: "  $1k/mth CAN buy 2RHDB flt@$100k?YES! 1st timer get $60kHDB grants. $40k balance fully covered in 25/30yr by ur CPF  ". Let's dissect the situation. Imagine we have a scenario of a 35year old man, drawing a fixed $1k/mth salary. Using the CPF contribution calculator ( ), his monthly contribution to the ordinary CPF account would be $180.29 (35-45yo), $163.10 (when he is 45-50 yo), $110.52 (50-55yo), $95.670 ($55-60yo), which drops as you go. This amount in his CPF account can be used to pay for his flat. Scenario: payment in 30 years Basic amount to be paid per month to complete payment in 30 years: $111.11 Prevailiing interest rates: 2.60% p.a. Compo...
i know im spamming. but this shall be the last one.  鬼打墙 求助编辑 百科名片 所谓鬼打墙,就是在夜晚或郊外,会在一个圈子里 走不出去。这种现象首先是真实存在的。有很多人经历过。 试验   那么 这种现象是怎么造成的呢,其实 生物学 已经有了明确的答案。   首先做一个实验。把一只 野鸭 的 眼睛蒙上,再把它扔向天空,它就开始飞    鬼打墙   ,但如果是开阔的天空,你会发现,它肯定是飞出的一个圆圈。   你不信,可以自己再试一下,把自己的眼睛蒙住,在学校的操场上,凭自己的感觉走直线,最后你发现 你走的也是一个大大的圆圈。   一言概括,生物运动的本质是 圆周 运动。如果没有目标,任何生物的本能 运动 都是圆周。   为什么呢? 因为生物的身体结构有细微的差别,比如鸟的 翅膀 ,两个翅膀的力量和 肌肉 发达程度有细微的差别。人的两条腿的长短和力量也有差别,这样迈出的步的距离会有差别,比如左腿迈的步子距离长 ,右腿迈的距离短,积累走下来,肯定是一个大大的圆圈,其他生物也是这个道理。   但是为什么生物能保持直线运动呢,比如人 为什么走出的是直线呢。因为我们用眼睛在不断的修正方向,也就是我们大脑在做定位和修正。不断的修正我们的差距,所以就走成了直线。 解决方法   1.如遇到鬼打墙的事件, 不要慌张,集中一切注意力,睁开眼睛。   2.夜间行路带把手电筒就行了。   3.迷了路要问人。   4.根据北极星的位置来辨别方向。 Jiayou bah. sk
When i'm struggling to just stay in the game and not give up, i really wonder if this is for me at all. To continue down this path, or to seek my fate somewhere else? But that's not a question for me to answer, at least not in the near future. I think this time, it's up to the path to choose if it wants me or not; not the other way around.
i've checked it again and again. i don't know why it's still so bad. but i've really checked it many times through. maybe i'm really bad at this? what if i'm really bad at this? can you accept me as that and please don't crush my self-worth? i'm really sorry to disappoint. truly sorry, but you don't know how much it means to me, just to have you guys see me as satisfactory. i just want it to be ok. why is it so hard?
was a little tickled by myself when i saw the latest named folder in my thumbdrive dedicated to fyp. Must've been very sleepy cus i dun rmb at all. i called it "fyp returns".
just took a skive and explored this interesting new app called pinterest. go check it out, it's like tumblr with a little more aesthetic appeal. basically, you get virtual boards and you pin up wtv is of interest to you on your boards. pretty cool i'd say. but after awhile, i realise that good old blog is still the best.
i don't know why you did what you did. But i sure hope you have a good reason for it, for causing her so much pain. sigh. This is really bad timing.
that was my biggest academic effort to date, (being never really inclined to studying). that was one of the longest day i've ever had, (more than 24 hours of working at the same thing). and that was definitely my longest birthday ever too. - and, it all goes down the drain thanks to my terrible time management. i'll take it as a hard lesson. guess i really need to learn. but that was a most painful painful way to learn it i think. i try not to be a drama queen with myself- but boy, that was a terrible first step into my 23rd, i guess it doesn't bode very well. trying times. be gone.

tough love

I think toughest sem yet is a huge understatement. No, really. (inner voice: it'smyfinalsemasastudentdammitwhycan't youletmeenjoy?!) again i tell myself, if i get through this, i can get through anything. But with pre-reg coming up.... well.... it's hardly convincing. but it's gonna happen anyways, so no point thinking about it. i feel tired just looking forward though. ohmygah. keep marching on... keep marching on... keep marching on...