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Showing posts from May, 2011

A much needed, incoherent rant.

When things get sensationalised, i wonder, do we think before we react? I keep trying to be absolutely objective in making a decision. Then i realise, honestly, it's quite the impossible thing to do. You see, this thing called selective perception and selective attention is something that people fall to, almost everytime. And this is not an academic smoke piece. Considering things properly, people believe what they wish to believe, and once that thought catches on i guess pretty much anything can be twisted to suit your desired perception- whatever it is you want. Perhaps it's a natural cognitive process. It is just that much easier to have a stand and fit evidences to it, than to view evidences before making a stand. I tried to exercise objectivity, and think from both sides, their individual merits and demerits, before making a stand. i tried to compare to politics in other countries, look back deep into our own history and others', look at real trends before i make a dec...
When will be a good time to put past baggage down completely, keep marching forward and really look back with a smile? I blame you for a good lot of things, and i cant absolve you from the blame. Not yet. Somehow, i think this is a lot more anger than i am expected to have. Well, when? Why do i feel this way? Perhaps it's the couple of times you have came back holding an olive branch, only to recall that hey! You still disagree with me. You are still angry. And you still want to screw me up for it. And then the olive branch is quickly withdrawn and replaced with a sword. I get too tired from these attacks. So you want to be friends? So you've moved on. Have you really? Are you sure? I don't want to waste everyone's time going around in circles. You taught me, with your repeated droning reattacks, that i'm not ready to put down the past and see past differences. And unless i'm absolutely ready, i shall not run through the mill pursuing my ideal self. So fine, we...
Interesting scene this afternoon: nsp n pap publicity vans were at my estate at the same time, trying to out-loud each other with their calls for votes. Pity is, i can't discern a thing from either side. (And it disrupted my studying to a large extent.) I shudder to imagine if this happens in parliament. Whatever the results, i pray that our leaders will keep their heads clear with Singapore as their primary objective, and be rational in parliamentary debates (if ever). I don't think it takes a politician to realise that bickering to win is senseless and endless. At the end of the day, if this happens, it's the citizens who suffer. *points at the self pity card* Well. I look forward to the results!