Am taking a break from mugging. Just in case i forget, let me record down 2 very heartwarming and adoring incidents yesterday. =) 1) It was yet another day on the semi-peak hour train back home. Everything was exactly the way they should be: no seats, people redefining grab poles as lean poles, semi-clubbing kind of crowdedness that makes me wanna whip out my fone and play a song, hoping to see everyone bounce to the music. (Now, that would really be a sight wouldn't it? =D). So yes, a typical journey back home. However, there was something atypical about this situation. Or rather, there was an atypical character present at this situation. there was- a toddler boy. Correction: there was-a very adorable- toddler boy with his family. (now that i am recalling this, i must say, shame on the Singaporeans who didnt have enough initiative to give up their seats to this family. the 1st thing i heard when i got on the train, was this: "no no no no no~". lol, that was the boy's...
I figured that life can be happier and simpler, if you only allow it to be. So go on out there and be free! Be yourself to the fullest, because you can be nobody else. Share love, spread joy, and bring meaning to the lives of others. Retrospectively, the things that you once held dear may cease to mean anything; objects lose their relevance to time. But people, and your relationships with them, don't. The joy that a friend brings to you today is timeless. Treasure it. =)