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Showing posts from January, 2021


Sometimes, life surprises with the most unplanned sweetness. What a beautiful beautiful day!!  Hehe, without travelling out of the country, I can already see how the 2 of us will travel and live the rest of our lives tgt.  Thank you for the wonderful day dear; discovering new and indie corners of this place we call home. ^^


Silly it's just a dream Is it because you have been handling man man And she had been in pain Technically if you 1000x man man She might actually look like a bear And we seldom see hamsters blink So that could be the eyelid part Last night, I had yet another one of my bizarre dreams. These dreams have always been very disturbing for me. I'm not sure if they bode well or otherwise. But more often than not, I have absolutely no idea where they come from. I feel embarrassed to tell them to anyone, and I rarely ever do. But somehow I told dear dear today. It must have been highly irrational to you on 2 counts: first, the dream contents are just downright weird. Second, I am irrationally disturbed by something unreal. But nonetheless, dear dear didn't judge me, and listened and empathetically came up with something to 安抚我.  Dear ah, 自小就懂得要坚强,自强,独立,勇敢,或至少改装出这模样的我,从来没有被人那这么样疼爱过。谢谢你。I take this moment to give thanks to the man who gives me much more than i can ever dream of. I love...