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Showing posts from April, 2017

Keeping you alive in my own way

老爸,兩個月了。 媽媽和哥哥漸漸好起來了。你呢? 還有像以前那樣,坐著看報紙看到睡著嗎? 我好久沒看晚報了。。前天有人在我的頭上敲了兩下,好熟悉。 老爸, 你要照顧自己ok? 妹妹沒忘記你。


Sigh. what's the matter with me. daddy, why did Gorgor get all your good temper while I get all of mummy's impatience and quick temper ah? and then this selfish thinking. Arghhh You must be scolding me right now right. :(