Christmas has always been my favourite season; it's the songs, the atmosphere, the love and the overall mood of a 圆满 year. my only wish this christmas is to have a good christmas, as always, one where i can laugh and show my appreciations for the people who made my life so much more. Perhaps a good christmas dinner with the JC gang; home-cooked meal at josh's as we do every Christmas; catch up with where everyone is heading in life before they stray too far away from us. Please please please, that's all i'm asking for this year. Give me that little bit of time away from fyp for that, alright? my favourite christmas song:think. a delightful listen, hundred times over:!
I figured that life can be happier and simpler, if you only allow it to be. So go on out there and be free! Be yourself to the fullest, because you can be nobody else. Share love, spread joy, and bring meaning to the lives of others. Retrospectively, the things that you once held dear may cease to mean anything; objects lose their relevance to time. But people, and your relationships with them, don't. The joy that a friend brings to you today is timeless. Treasure it. =)