If the world does come to an end, it might be man against man. Seems like we're doing a good job destroying ourselves without intervention. If i'm an alien watching us from up above, i might laugh at just how smooth my kill-Earthlings-and-take-over-Earth!! plan is going without me lifting a finger. Pakistan, Libya, terrorists, etc- stop killing people already, please. the fact that this phrase would have been so taboo to me in the past, but is just rolling off my fingers right now, disturbs me. *sigh* what's the world coming to?
I figured that life can be happier and simpler, if you only allow it to be. So go on out there and be free! Be yourself to the fullest, because you can be nobody else. Share love, spread joy, and bring meaning to the lives of others. Retrospectively, the things that you once held dear may cease to mean anything; objects lose their relevance to time. But people, and your relationships with them, don't. The joy that a friend brings to you today is timeless. Treasure it. =)