Well, 2009 reflection can wait, let's confront the matter at hand first. SHERLOCK HOLMES IS SUPREME. omg. I have been wanting to watch this movie since it came out in the cinemas! So this morning, i hopped out of bed and checked out the movie's show time first thing in the morning! Yes! Before i even peeed! =D Then VOILA! I was in the cinema half an hour later to catch the show! =D I deliberately chose a seat in the centre of the first unoccupied row counting from the back of the cinema. =) WOOSH! Good experience! It felt like i had the cinema all to myself! =)) At first glimpse of the poster, i guess anyone with a little background of the story will be taken aback by how different the characters look from their traditional outline. I was too, initially. However, if you had a little more background in this story- if you read the books- you will realise that this movie is perhaps one of the most accurate portrayal of Holmes and Watsons. You really have to read the books yoursel...
I figured that life can be happier and simpler, if you only allow it to be. So go on out there and be free! Be yourself to the fullest, because you can be nobody else. Share love, spread joy, and bring meaning to the lives of others. Retrospectively, the things that you once held dear may cease to mean anything; objects lose their relevance to time. But people, and your relationships with them, don't. The joy that a friend brings to you today is timeless. Treasure it. =)